UIJRTV4I30001 | Relationship Between Clinical Pathway and Cost-Effectiveness Research Using Vosviewer: A Bibliometric Study
| Rizky Firdaus and Ietje Nazaruddin | 01-08 |  |
UIJRTV4I30002 | Performance and Metacognitive Skills of Grade 8 Students in Biology
| Elaine B. Espejon and Susan S. Janer | 09-21 |  |
UIJRTV4I30003 | Development and Validation of Off-line Web Quest for Grade 7 Mathematics Students
| Clarisse D. Ariate and Ritzelda A. Deri | 22-33 |  |
UIJRTV4I30004 | Competency of Teachers in Facilitating Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning
| Venus E. Hubilla and Gerry A. Carretero | 34-45 |  |
UIJRTV4I30005 | Profile and Status of Elementary Schools in Bulusan District
| Lenor T. Gacos and Gerry A. Carretero | 46-61 |  |
UIJRTV4I30006 | Self-Efficacy of Filipino College Students as Correlates to Demographics | Jayvee Cuerdo Cebu | 62-66 |  |
UIJRTV4I30007 | Fostering Autonomy in Japanese Learners | Stephen Mitchell | 67-70 |  |
UIJRTV4I30008 | Performance Level of Grade Five Pupils in Information and Communication Technology
| Jewelyn B. Gaurino and Ma. Ellen L. Estrellado | 71-82 |  |
UIJRTV4I30009 | Development of Juice Concentrate Utilizing Calamansi, Honey, and Ginger
| Jezzabie G. Gamis, Rogelio B. Las Piñas Jr. and Joycelyn D. Labalan | 82-87 |  |
UIJRTV4I30010 | Business Trend of Entrepreneurs During Pandemic COVID-19: Selangor State Studies
| Khairol Ismail, Noorhafizah Zainon, Fadzlirahimi Ismail, and Nur Atifah Kadri | 88-92 |  |
UIJRTV4I30011 | Assessing The Critical Success Factors of Restructuring a Higher Education Institution Using BPR (Business Process Reengineering): A Case Study of National Post Graduate College
| Dr. Deeksha Sharma and Dr. Rakesh Jain | 93-100 |  |
UIJRTV4I30012 | Designing an Institutional Model of Local Government in Dynamic and Harmonious Industrial Relations in Bekasi Regency Indonesia
| Hendy Hendharto, M Syamsul Maarif, and Tony Sitinjak | 101-110 |  |
UIJRTV4I30013 | Reading Comprehension Skills and The Level of Performance of Grade 7 Students in Chemistry | Nora R. Briones and Susan S. Janer | 111-120 |  |
UIJRTV4I30014 | Regulating Blockchain: A Prospective for Governments and Policy Makers | Mohamed Affan Shafy | 121-125 |  |
UIJRTV4I30015 | Global Trends of Research on Hospital Quality and Mobile Application: A Bibliometric Study Based on VOSviewer | Gavin Pratama Nugraha and Arlina Dewi | 126-133 |  |
UIJRTV4I30016 | A Rise from A Downfall: A Multiple Case Study on the Voices of Teenage Parents in School | Dominador Jr. A. Dayson and Princes Luise Dela Tina Picaza | 134-142 |  |
UIJRTV4I30017 | Planning of Brick Raw Material Supply Based on Available Land Volume in Brick Business | Puspita Riana, Fazri Muhammad, Indra Kesuma Hadi, Masri Mahyuzar, and Hibnul Walid | 143-147 |  |
UIJRTV4I30018 | Full Devolution Transition: Challenges in the Implementation of Executive Order 138 in Selected Municipalities in the Province of Sorsogon | Aldrin Jovi B. Gallanosa and Errol G. De Castro | 148-161 |  |
UIJRTV4I30019 | Assessing Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Through Psychological Functioning, Mental Wellbeing, and Life Satisfaction: Scales Adaptation and Development | Argel B. Masanda | 162-167 |  |