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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30015
Date:January 2023


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Gavin Pratama Nugraha and Arlina Dewi, 2023. Global Trends of Research on Hospital Quality and Mobile Application: A Bibliometric Study Based on VOSviewer. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp126-133.
Many researchers with various focuses and approaches have studied using mobile applications to improve hospital quality. However, a few have been carried out using a bibliometric study approach. The study used 1229 Scopus databases and a wide variety of bibliometric indicators such as publication trends, citations, and research keywords. Performed data analysis and bibliometric graphical visualization using VOSviewer software. The results show that there are 184 concepts divided into four research clusters. This research theme’s latest topics are artificial intelligence, healthcare systems, and clinical decision-making. Meanwhile, topics that are still rarely carried out research are pathophysiology, procedure, pregnancy, and psychology. Bibliometric studies help provide a comprehensive and in-depth look at research on the theme of hospital quality and mobile applications for future researchers interested in discovering new knowledge and topics in this field.

Keywords: Hospital Quality, Mobile Application, Scopus, Publication Trends, VOSviewer.

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