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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30016
Date:January 2023


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Dominador Jr. A. Dayson and Princes Luise Dela Tina Picaza, 2023. A Rise from A Downfall: A Multiple Case Study on the Voices of Teenage Parents in School. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp134-142.
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the truth behind the experiences of teenage parents who continue their studies. We conducted the study at Asuncion, Sagayen and Sawata National High School of Davao del Norte. The results of the interview were transcribed, translated and coded to produce clear understanding details about the informants. Through in-depth interview and face to face discussion with the informants, it was found that teenage parents who continue their studies experience tough challenges such as facing hard situations, endure the negative outlook of other people and difficulties in fulfilling the role of being a parent and student. As to their struggles, they also shared the status of their lives in terms of financial state. In terms of their coping mechanism, they coped with their struggles with the help of their parents, friends and including their self-support system. Further, the insights that they shared to other teenage parents as students are to be positive thinkers, motivate their selves more and make their child the number one inspiration in achieving their dreams in life. This study has significance in education as to how to address the problem and find ways to prevent it.

Keywords: multiple case study, and voices of teenage parents.

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