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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30011
Date:January 2023


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Dr. Deeksha Sharma and Dr. Rakesh Jain, 2023. Assessing The Critical Success Factors of Restructuring a Higher Education Institution Using BPR (Business Process Reengineering): A Case Study of National Post Graduate College. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp93-100.
Purpose: Educational institutes are facing new challenges daily for which the need new strategies for organizational effectiveness and efficiency.  Reengineering is one of the tools used in administering the improvement of productivity, better-cost control and asset management. The purpose of this paper is to examine the critical success factors of BPR in a higher education institute and to find the relative impact of each.Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper examines the reengineering process of a higher education institute based in India. An observation of before implementing restructuring process and after implementing restructuring process has been discussed. Several aspects of an academic institute like governance, academics, student aspect, development aspect, best practices and achievements have been covered.Findings: It was observed that the restructuring process improved the teacher-student ratio of the college. An increase in the number of learning centers increased including the number of teaching and non-teaching staff. There was a marked improvement in knowledge exchange and transfer. It was observed that of the five factors development aspects played the most important role in restructuring the higher education institute as compared to best practices, which came significantly less than others.Originality/Value: A number of studies have been conducted on organizational restructuring but very few have considered the case of restructuring a higher education institute. Implementing the restructuring program helps meet the objectives of high quality education and training.

Keywords: Business Process Reengineering, Restructuring, Higher Education Institute.

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