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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30006
Date:January 2023


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Jayvee Cuerdo Cebu, 2023. Self-Efficacy of Filipino College Students as Correlates to Demographics. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp62-66.
Self-efficacy is defined as the ability of an individual to successfully complete a task or a goal and is considered an important facet of academic success among college students. This study investigates the correlation between Filipino college students' demographics and self-efficacy, including age, gender, and year level. The demographic factors were identified through a survey while the self-efficacy level was assessed by the General Self-Efficacy (GSE) Scale to 259 Filipino college students within Metro Manila. Using descriptive frequency distribution and percentages, results showed that the majority of the college students were coming from 18 years old to 20 years old which comprised 142 (55%) while in terms of gender, most of the college students were females with 138 (53%). For the year level, the majority of them were coming from the second-year level with 85 (33%). The self-efficacy level of the college students was gathered from the GSE Scale which revealed that the respondents have high levels of self-efficacy with a computed mean of 2.82 and SD= 0.52. To determine the correlation between the demographics and self-efficacy level of the college students, the researcher utilized Pearson chi-square and statistical analysis revealed that there is no correlation between the age, gender, and self-efficacy level of the college students with computed Pearson chi-square value of 39.26 and 12.76 respectively, thus the researcher did not reject the null hypothesis. On the other hand, in terms of year level, it was found that there is a significant relationship between the year level and self-efficacy level of the college students with a computed Pearson chi-square value of 63.30, hence the researcher rejected the null hypothesis. The results are recommended for schoolteachers, counselors, and administrators to implement enhancement or improvement programs for self-efficacy the college students so better academic performance in school can be achieved.

Keywords: filpino, college students, demoraaphics, self-efficiency, correlation, metro manila.

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