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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30001
Date:January 2023


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Rizky Firdaus and Ietje Nazaruddin, 2023. Relationship Between Clinical Pathway and Cost-Effectiveness Research Using Vosviewer: A Bibliometric Study. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp01-08.
The hospital is part of a social and health organization that provides plenary (comprehensive), curative, and disease prevention (preventive) services to the community. Hospitals must always strive to survive and thrive due to the large operational costs and accompanied by increased competition in the quality of service between hospitals. One way to be able to lower costs without eliminating patient safety figures is to implement a Clinical pathway (CP). Searching this systematic review using the Scopus Database, we use several bibliometric indicators such as titles and abstracts, citations, keywords, and others. The data obtained mostly contains biomedical and medical research. We use search words (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("clinical pathway") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("cost-effectiveness")) and PUBYEAR > 2010 AND (LIMIT-TO (OA, "all"). All data were taken at the same time (November 2021) to reduce bias during the study. Scopus Data Base is summarized in the form of RIS and CSV files and analyzed using VOS viewer software (version 1.6.17). In the data collected, it was found that there were 4 clusters, with the themes most often raised being pathway, cost, quality, analysis, and model. The data found a trend of increasing the number of studies from 2011 to 2021. The country that has researched the relationship between clinical pathways and cost-effectiveness the most is the United Kingdom with 78 studies. In the affiliate data, 165 affiliations were obtained with affiliations with the University of London, the University of Oxford, and the University of Sydney with the greatest number of 10 studies.

Keywords: Clinical Pathway, Cost Effectiveness, Systematic Review, Quality of service.

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