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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30017
Date:January 2023


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Puspita Riana, Fazri Muhammad, Indra Kesuma Hadi, Masri Mahyuzar, and Hibnul Walid, 2023. Planning of Brick Raw Material Supply Based on Available Land Volume in Brick Business. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp143-147.
In production always pay attention to the quality of raw materials, because raw materials can affect the quality of production results. Then the raw materials are sought from the land itself. This is done because there is a lot of competition in similar businesses, but the bricks business manager does not estimate how long the raw material needs will still be available on their land.To get the right volume of raw material inventory and available at the time needed, with good quality, and achieve company goals, it is necessary to control inventory. In addition, it is necessary to carry out production planning according to land requirements by knowing when raw materials run out on available land.In order to be able to meet demand and from the point of view of the required costs, optimal profits will be achieved. In this case for an ongoing business or business.This study aims to plan the volume of raw materials for the production of the next 5 years and calculate the shortage of the amount of brick production based on the results of the forecast.

Keywords: Brick Business, Raw Material Volume, Available Land, Forecasting.

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