The UIJRT, a leading multidisciplinary journal, welcomes original research articles and scholarly works from all academic disciplines, encompassing science, technology, social sciences, arts, and humanities. We provide a prestigious platform for researchers and scholars to disseminate cutting-edge research findings and innovative ideas across disciplinary boundaries, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.

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Know about UIJRT

Fast Indexing Journal

UIJRT papers are indexed on prominent platforms such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, Scribd, Issuu, ResearchBib, SlideShare and more. Known for its fast indexing, UIJRT offers exceptional online visibility and accessibility. This ensures that researchers can share their work with a global audience, enhancing their reach and impact in the academic community.

Paper Acceptance Letter

UIJRT ensures that each paper undergoes a thorough review process before acceptance. Our review team carefully evaluates the quality, relevance, and originality of the submission. This process typically takes 2 to 4 days, depending on the complexity of the paper. Once the review is complete, authors will receive feedback and, if accepted, formal confirmation of their paper's inclusion.

This Google Scholar Indexing graph shows the yearly growth of research papers from 2019 to 2024 of UIJRT, comparing indexed papers (blue line) and total paper publications (red line). It highlights the significant growth in indexing after 2021.

Google Scholar Indexing

UIJRT is committed to providing exceptional visibility for research through Google Scholar indexing. By indexing papers on this prestigious platform, UIJRT ensures that authors' work reaches a global audience, enhancing accessibility & academic recognition. As a trusted journal, UIJRT prioritizes fast & efficient indexing, empowering researchers to showcase their contributions worldwide.

eCertificate (Digital certificate) of publication issued by the United International Journal for Research and Technology (UIJRT), displayed on a tablet, featuring author details, manuscript title, and editor's signature.

Free Certificate

Authors can download their free e-certificate in PDF format after their paper is successfully published on UIJRT. The journal does not charge any fee for issuing the certificate, ensuring it remains entirely free for all authors worldwide. This initiative reflects UIJRT's commitment to supporting researchers by providing global recognition for their academic contributions without any additional cost or barriers.

Open Access Journal

Open access (OA) provides free, unrestricted online access to research outputs like journal articles and books. OA content is accessible to everyone without any fees. It often involves publishing articles or books through the OA route on a publisher's platform, commonly referred to as gold open access, ensuring global reach and visibility.

Peer-Reviewed Journal

UIJRT is a peer-reviewed journal, ensuring the quality and credibility of the research it publishes. Every paper undergoes a thorough evaluation process by experts in the field, guaranteeing that only high-standard, reliable, and valuable research is featured. This rigorous review process enhances the academic integrity of the journal and provides authors with trusted recognition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Call for Papers?

A Call for Papers (CFP) is an open invitation from professional journals, academic conferences, or other forums encouraging scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit their work for paper publication. Typically issued by an ISSN-approved international journal, a CFP outlines the theme or subject of interest and invites manuscript submissions that contribute innovative ideas or research findings. These announcements often emphasize rapid paper publication and feature fast indexing journals to ensure timely dissemination of knowledge. Submissions are rigorously evaluated by highly-qualified reviewers in a peer-reviewed journal process, ensuring credibility and quality. Publishing through such forums provides global exposure and opportunities for networking, with many offering open access to maximize the reach and impact of the research. A well-structured CFP promotes scholarly collaboration and encourages authors to share cutting-edge developments in their fields.

What are the essential criteria for research paper publication?

The process of publishing a research paper is not as straightforward primarily because it has to be done in stages. First and foremost, one should come up with a good and relevant question that needs to be investigated. A thorough study of existing work done in the field is done so as to understand what is already known, what has not been covered, and what the research aims to achieve. The selected method, regardless if it is deterministic, probabilistic or an integration of both, must work and meet the ethics that guide such procedures. Regarding the manuscript, it must be formatted according to a pre-defined structure, which usually consists of the title, an abstract, an introduction, a chapter on methodology, a results section, a discussion section, a chapter on conclusion and a list of references in the end.

Call for Papers 2025

Volume Issue Last Date of Submission Frequency ISSN Impact Factor Discipline Language
06 05 March 30, 2025 Monthly 2582-6832 (Online) 5.794 Multidisciplinary English

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