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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I30005
Date:January 2023


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Lenor T. Gacos and Gerry A. Carretero, 2023. Profile and Status of Elementary Schools in Bulusan District. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(3), pp46-61.
This study aimed to determine the profile and status of Elementary Schools in Bulusan District, Division of Sorsogon Province, school year 2021-2022. It used the descriptive- survey method with questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering the primary data. Documentary analysis was also utilized in collecting the secondary data such as profile of the schools. Likewise, 4 large schools, 6 medium schools, and 10 small schools were involved in the present study. The frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and rank were the statistical tools used. The study revealed that majority of the schools have teachers designated as Teacher III, have the big enrolment in Grades 3 and 4, located along the main road, and have established linkages. Also, the large schools have the biggest Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses budget. The physical environment of the schools is much adequate. Also, the pupils’ wellness is much observed in the schools. Similarly, the schools agree on instructional development and often have discipline practices. The foremost problems encountered by the schools are lack of available learning resources, lack of available and functional resources inside the classroom, low academic performance of pupils, and loss of construction materials. An action plan was proposed in order to improve the school environment in Bulusan District.

Keywords: discipline practices, elementary schools, instructional development, pupils.

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