UIJRTV4I80001 | Influence of Text Messaging on the Spelling Skills Among the High School Students | Lester N. Linsangan, Jomell M. Santiago, Narcisa S. Caymo, and Rita L. Cajucom | 01-05 |  |
UIJRTV4I80002 | Enhanced 3D Playfair Cipher Using Bcrypt and Goldbach Code Algorithms | Johanna Mei T. Caparros, Ma. Angelica Joy D. Manzano, and Ariel Antwaun Rolando C. Sison | 06-13 |  |
UIJRTV4I80003 | Hybridization of A* Pathfinding and Hierarchical Pathfinding A* Algorithm for Pathfinding in Grid Based Games | Clarence Jacob Agcaoili, Xenaiah Yzabella Bernabe, and Vivien A. Agustin | 14-22 |  |
UIJRTV4I80004 | Students’ Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies and Cognitive Engagement as Mediated by Beliefs about Language Learning | D’che Mark Talili Suarez and Celso Lagar Tagadiad | 23-40 |  |
UIJRTV4I80005 | Modifying JPS Algorithm Using Navmesh Data Structure Applied in 3D Using Unity | Raymond Carlos S. Medina, Hannah Shane B. Gittabao, and Vivien A. Agustin | 41-48 |  |
UIJRTV4I80006 | Evaluation of Implementation of Norms, Standards, Procedures, and Criterias Related to Construction Safety Management Systems in Building Construction Projects During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Felix Ade Agusta Kurniawan, Leni Sagita Riantini, and Rossy Armyn Machfudiyanto | 49-56 |  |
UIJRTV4I80007 | Senior High School Students Preference Among the Four Curriculum Exits in the K-12 Program | Marvin G. Arimbay and Margie E. Veloso | 57-60 |  |
UIJRTV4I80008 | Enhancement of Random Forest by Utilizing Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm | Ali Ojiram G. Pirzada, Renz Michael M. Leandicho, Mark Christopher R. Blanco, Raymund M. Dioses, and Vivien A. Agustin | 61-71 |  |
UIJRTV4I80009 | Enhancement to Low-Resource Text Classification via Sequential Transfer Learning | Neil Christian R. Riego, Danny Bell Villarba, Ariel Antwaun Rolando C. Sison, Fernandez C. Pineda, and Herminiño C. Lagunzad | 72-82 |  |
UIJRTV4I80010 | Enhancement of the Huffman Algorithm with Discrete Wavelet Transform Applied to Lossless Image Compression
| John Dylan R. Aranzado, Gian Karlo Barbosa, Karl Francis Linget, and Vivien A. Agustin | 83-90 |  |
UIJRTV4I80011 | A Hybrid Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Using Support Vector Machine and Enhanced Teaching Learning-Based Optimization
| James Matthew M. Romero, Norjhon P. Ruazol, Raymund M. Dioses, Fernandez C. Pineda, and Herminiño Lagunzad | 91-101 |  |
UIJRTV4I80012 | The Impact of Organizational Culture on Creativity and Innovation Among Employees of Selected Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs)
| Rizza A. Lee | 102-112 |  |
UIJRTV4I80013 | Enhancement of the 95×95 Vigenère Cipher Using a 3D Tabula Recta and a New Key Generation Technique in Application to Database Encryption
| Clarck L. Tumazar, Benjamin D. Elevazo, Vivien A. Agustin, Jonathan C. Morano, and Mark Christopher R. Blanco | 113-118 |  |
UIJRTV4I80014 | Differentiated Science Instruction Integrating Learning Style in Post-Modular Classes: An Experimental Study | Flora A. Lanugan and Gina Fe G. Israel | 119-129 |  |
UIJRTV4I80015 | Relative Effects of Flipped Classroom and Print Exposure on the Teaching and Learning of Contents in Integrated Curriculum | Ayodele Christiana Ayo | 130-138 |  |
UIJRTV4I80016 | Effectiveness of the Architectural Technical Assistance Program of Bachelor of Science in Architecture of Sorsogon State University to their Beneficiaries in the Province of Sorsogon
| Rafael Jamila Balicano | 139-145 |  |
UIJRTV4I80017 | Factors That Affect Employees’ Productivity: Basis for Productivity Improvement
| Dante V. Ariñez | 146-153 |  |