UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Factors That Affect Employees’ Productivity: Basis for Productivity Improvement



Dante V. Ariñez, 2023. Factors That Affect Employees’ Productivity: Basis for Productivity Improvement. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(8), pp146-153.


This study was conducted in order to determine the factors that could possibly affect productivity. It was found that productivity is higher among employees if there is a human capital development program that includes training and seminars, encouragement to participate in regional, national, and international training/seminars, and skills enhancement. Descriptive Correlational method was used in this study because of its appropriateness to the problem. It was also found that factors that affect employees’ productivity like environment, technology, motivation, attitude, workplace, and job satisfaction have a negligible effect.

Keywords: Employees Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Training and Development, Workplace environment, Technology Advancement and Skills, Motivation, and Attitude towards Work.

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