UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Effectiveness of the Architectural Technical Assistance Program of Bachelor of Science in Architecture of Sorsogon State University to their Beneficiaries in the Province of Sorsogon



Rafael Jamila Balicano, 2023. Effectiveness of the Architectural Technical Assistance Program of Bachelor of Science in Architecture of Sorsogon State University to their Beneficiaries in the Province of Sorsogon. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(8), pp139-145.


This study assessed the effectiveness of the architectural technical assistance program offered by Bachelor of Science in Architecture of Sorsogon State University (SorSU) as an architectural extension services to the community beneficiaries and clientele in the Province of Sorsogon from 2014 to 2020. Specifically, it aims to describe the architectural technical assistance provided for the four (4) projects implemented based on clients’ needs; assess the level of satisfaction; and determine what can be proposed extension program enhancement as input to the extension manual. The study used the descriptive evaluation of research. The architectural technical assistance projects were requested by the clients and not done thru assessment of needs. The collection of pertinent data was done thru data gathering, observation, and interviews. The data were presented, analyzed and interpreted with the use of statistical tools such as percentage distribution, weighted mean and average mean. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were that the architectural technical assistance services implemented based on clients’ needs generally produced the desired effects to the beneficiaries; the level of satisfaction of the beneficiaries generally was highly responsive and; the proposed extension program enhancement as input to the extension manual were the architectural community extension program should be continued and extended; to continue to strengthen their partnership with the other non- government organization and government agencies; should be well disseminated and controlled so as not conflict to private technical professional’s practices; the implementers be encouraged to take TESDA accreditation; may give the community residents seminars, trainings and other relative activities based on their assessment of needs and expertise as part of their extension activities and; regular visitation, monitoring and evaluation of the extension projects may be conducted to have a better impact and relationship to the beneficiaries.

Keywords: Architectural technical assistances, Architects’ regular services, Effectiveness, Beneficiaries.

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