UIJRTV3I40001 | Teachers’ Competency in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the New Normal | Lea Gersalia Novela | 01-10 |  |
UIJRTV3I40002 | Digital Culture and Social Media Slang of Gen Z | Eliza M. Jeresano and Marigrace D. Carretero | 11-25 |  |
UIJRTV3I40003 | A Systematic Literature Review: The Classification of Learning Engagement based on Log File in E-learning (Affective Aspect) | Indra Maulana and Mochamad Bruri Triyono | 26-31 |  |
UIJRTV3I40004 | Development of an Automated System for Liquidation Report Preparation | Malanie Franche Gimeno | 32-39 |  |
UIJRTV3I40005 | The Analysis of Fire and Explosion Risk at Chemical Material Warehouse of Rocket Technology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency | Rizky Aferdiansyah, Mas Ayu Elita Hafizah, Robertus Heru Triharjanto, and Wiwiek Utami Dewi | 40-48 |  |
UIJRTV3I40006 | Aircraft Noise Levels in Military Runway and The Impact of Personnel Hearing Resistance on Coping with Physiological Attacks | Widianto Nugroho, Zaenal Asiqin, Hendrana TJ, YH Yogaswara, and Rizky Aferdiansyah | 49-55 |  |
UIJRTV3I40007 | Information War in Papua in Order to Support Nirmilitary Defense | Muhammad Sutomo, Ahmad G. Dohamid, and Fauzia Gustarina Cempaka Timur | 56-58 |  |
UIJRTV3I40008 | Contribution to Participatory Supervision in the Order to Achieve the Election of a Democratic Regional Head (Study on the Election of the City of Ternate Regional Head) | Mardiah Ibrahim and Bambang Daud | 59-64 |  |
UIJRTV3I40009 | Legal Transcendence: Fulfillment of Substantive Justice | Jhonsen Ginting and Absori | 65-70 |  |
UIJRTV3I40010 | Infrastructure and Agricultural Value Chain in Nigeria: 1981-2019, Vector Error Correction Mechanism (VECM) Approach | Femi Augustine Akomolafe, Joseph Acheneje Atabo, Olabode Agunbiade, and Jibril Ebenezer Landu | 71-83 |  |
UIJRTV3I40011 | Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills and Level of Integration in Teaching Science
| Mary Rose Gimao Encinares and Noel Gaspi Benavides | 84-97 |  |
UIJRTV3I40012 | Math Anxiety, Learning Engagement and Perceived Usefulness of Technology as Predictors to Mathematics Performance of Students | Eugine B. Dodongan and Noel T. Casocot | 98-104 |  |
UIJRTV3I40013 | Opinion Mining of Gujarati Language Text Using Hybrid Approach | Himadri H. Patel, Bankim C. Patel, and Kalpesh B. Lad | 105-110 |  |
UIJRTV3I40014 | Student Perception on Blended Learning Method | Sari Wahyuni and Fitri Nur Mahmudah | 111-115 |  |
UIJRTV3I40015 | Synergy of the National Agency for Counter Terrorism and the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Preventing the Threat of Violent Extremism in Indonesia | Cahya Agung Nugraha, Triyoga Budi Prasetyo, and Anwar Kurniadi | 116-122 |  |
UIJRTV3I40016 | The Mediating Effect of Empathy on the Relationship Between Collaborative Leadership of School Heads and Collective Mindfulness | Roselie M. Binaguiohan and Dr. Josie T. Bolofer | 123-132 |  |
UIJRTV3I40017 | Malaysia and The ASEAN Dilemma in Facing the Asymmetrical Threats in South China Sea | Nur Arifina, Suhirwan, Rudy Agus Gemilang Gultom, and Fazar Sidik | 133-139 |  |
UIJRTV3I40018 | Design of Double Band Slotted Patch Microstrip Antenna for Increasing Efficiency | Sifat Hossain, Md. Masudur Rahman, Imam Mehdi Hasan, and Gazi Hazzaz Bin Rafiq | 140-143 |  |
UIJRTV3I40019 | Role of Employee Resilience in Employee Engagement: An Investigative Study | Mr. P Sai Kumar and Dr. V. Tulasi Das | 144-152 |  |
UIJRTV3I40020 | The Effect of Teacher Emotional Intelligence, Teaching Facilities and Infrastructure on Students Learning Outcomes in Inclusive School | Sowiyah and Zulaikha Fitriyanti | 153-159 |  |
UIJRTV3I40021 | Lived Experiences of Mathematics Teachers in Modular Distance Learning Modality Amid Pandemic | Anafe Fungo-Fulo and Ritzelda A. Deri | 160-168 |  |
UIJRTV3I40022 | Asymmetrical Threats Potential in the South China Sea: Malaysia’s Policy and Mitigations Efforts | Joni Kurnia, Triyoga Budi P, and Rudy Sutanto | 169-175 |  |
UIJRTV3I40023 | Energy Security Perspective in Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy Development | Abdulloh Ubaid, Mila Utami Sari, Danisworo, and Lailatul Qomariyah | 176-179 |  |
UIJRTV3I40024 | Readiness of First Year Engineering Students for Online Learning | Noel G. Benavides and Bryan E Escoto | 180-187 |  |
UIJRTV3I40025 | Teaching Styles in the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Instruction | Marjorie F. Pebrero | 188-192 |  |
UIJRTV3I40026 | Validity of Online Exams in Indian Universities During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of M.A Students at Bamu University | Saleh Altam and Dr. G. D. Kokane | 193-198 |  |