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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I40008
Date:February 2022


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Mardiah Ibrahim and Bambang Daud, 2022. Contribution to Participatory Supervision in the Order to Achieve the Election of a Democratic Regional Head (Study on the Election of the City of Ternate Regional Head). United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(4), pp.59-64.
This study aims to analyze the contribution of the participatory supervision pattern to the 2020 Mayoral Election, as well as identify the factors that become obstacles and challenges in the application of the participatory supervision pattern in the implementation of the Ternate Mayoral Election.The target to be achieved in this research is scientific publications in national journals with ISSN or international journals. The study was conducted at the Bawaslu of Ternate City. Data collection techniques were carried out through library research and field studies, namely conducting interviews. From the data obtained, it will be compiled systematically after being selected based on problems and seen for its suitability with applicable regulations and then discussed theoretically combined with the reality in the field to produce conclusions.The results of the study indicate that participatory supervision aims to involve various community components in supervision to ensure compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the principles of organizing regional head elections. The participatory monitoring model applied to the Ternate City Election 2020 has contributed to suppressing violations and fraud during the Pilkada which is marked by the lack of reports and findings to the Ternate City Bawaslu and its staff. However, at the practical level, the implementation of participatory monitoring programs often encounters several obstacles and obstacles.

Keywords: Contributions, Participatory Supervision, Regional Head Elections.

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