Opinion Mining of Gujarati Language Text Using Hybrid Approach
- Author(s): Himadri H. Patel, Bankim C. Patel, and Kalpesh B. Lad
- Computer Science and Engineering
Paper ID: UIJRTV3I40013
Volume: 03
Issue: 04
Pages: 105-110
February 2022
ISSN: 2582-6832
Himadri H. Patel, Bankim C. Patel, and Kalpesh B. Lad, 2022. Opinion Mining of Gujarati Language Text Using Hybrid Approach. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(4), pp.105-110.
Opinion Mining is one of the most prominent fields of research in the domain of Natural Language Processing because of the growing electronic data in last two decades. The field has been very well explored for the English language; however, Gujarati language is not much explored for this field. This paper presents the use of a Hybrid approach with the combination of Convolutional Neural Network and Rule-based method to perform Opinion Mining of Gujarati Language text. The rules used by authors are to resolve the Opinion Mining challenges when the negation and conjunction words exist in the review.
Keywords: CNN, Deep Learning, Gujarati, Hybrid method, Opinion Mining, Rule-based method.