UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

The Mediating Effect of Empathy on the Relationship Between Collaborative Leadership of School Heads and Collective Mindfulness



Roselie M. Binaguiohan and Dr. Josie T. Bolofer, 2022. The Mediating Effect of Empathy on the Relationship Between Collaborative Leadership of School Heads and Collective Mindfulness. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(4), pp.123-132.


The purpose of this study was to determine whether empathy acts as a moderating factor in the relationship between collaborative leadership and collective mindfulness. The study used a correlational technique in a quantitative, non-experimental design. The respondents were the total population of public elementary teachers of Laak District. Mean, Pearson r, and Path Analysis was the statistical tools used in this study. Moreover, adapted survey questionnaires were used for collaborative leadership, collective mindfulness, and empathy. Results found out that the level of collaborative practice is high; the level of collective mindfulness is high; the level of empathy high; there is a significant relationship between collaborative leadership and collective mindfulness; there is a significant relationship between collaborative leadership and empathy, there is a significant relationship between empathy and collective mindfulness. The mediating effect: path analysis indicated no correlation and pointed out that empathy and collective mindfulness are not significant.

Keywords: collaborative leadership, collective mindfulness, empathy, path analysis, Philippines.

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