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Indra Maulana and Mochamad Bruri Triyono, 2022. A Systematic Literature Review: The Classification of Learning Engagement based on Log File in E-learning (Affective Aspect). United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(4), pp.26-31.
Most e-learning platforms store the data about acts of learning and teaching engagement in a log file. Logfile gives us specific information related to learners’ behaviour. A log file is a collection or list that comes from a user action. The purpose of the research is 1) to improve the learning process and students’ learning outcomes. Next, 2) to investigate the trend of teaching material that students are interested in. The research implies a systematic literature review to explore students’ participation based on the log files in e-learning. The main contribution of this research is the systematic literature review. Based on the previous studies, it had found that the use of e-learning, log file, and learning engagement of affective aspect in many levels of education.
Keywords: e-learning, affective, log file, engagment student.
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