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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I40021
Date:February 2022


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Anafe Fungo-Fulo and Ritzelda A. Deri, 2022. Lived Experiences of Mathematics Teachers in Modular Distance Learning Modality Amid Pandemic. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(4), pp.160-168.
This study described the lived experiences of Senior High School Mathematics teachers in modular distance learning amid pandemic in Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon, SY 2021-2022. It utilized the traditions of a descriptive qualitative research approach. It utilized a pure qualitative data to give answers to the prevailing research questions. The informants are the Grade 11 Mathematics teachers of Sta. Magdalena District, Sorsogon. Since this study is pure qualitative research, the depth of data to be gathered is the focus more than the number of informants to be considered in the study. In-depth interview and observation were utilized as research tools. Transcriptions of interview sessions were the main source of data. Establishing codes and categorize on the informants’ responses through conventional content analysis of the transcription was done to achieve the goal of this present research. Grade 11 teachers in Mathematics have lived experiences on the preparation of module and feedbacking during modular distance learning. They have adopted different strategies on how they deliver lessons that involved the four thinking Mathematics standards such as problem solving, communication, reasoning and connection. They may extend support and cooperation to the division-wide implementation of modular distance learning so that they can give a worthwhile sharing of their resources and initiative to the welfare of the whole division and the nation in general. They may reflect on the quality of strategies they employ when embedding the four thinking Mathematics standards to their instruction even during modular distance learning, which considers the underlying philosophies, theories and framework. Further research may be conducted such as assessment of teachers’ present capacity to hold technology or computer assisted teaching and learning to pave the way for blended, synchronous and asynchronous classes for Senior High School.

Keywords: Lived Experience; Modular Distance Learning Modality; Qualitative.

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