Paper ID | Paper Title | Author(s) | Pages | PDF File |
UIJRTV3I100001 | Determination of Package Distribution Routes Using the Vehicle Routing Problem Model
| Aditya Restuaji and Sugiyono Madelan | 01-06 |  |
UIJRTV3I100002 | The Influence of Management Quality and Innovation Strategy on Operational Performance Through Information Technology as an Intervening Variable at LPDB KUMKM | Yones William and Rosalendro Eddy Nugroho | 07-18 |  |
UIJRTV3I100003 | Clients’ Satisfaction and Expectations on the Frontline Services of the Denr – Penro in Sorsogon | Judy Gavarra-Doma and Errol G. De Castro | 19-32 |  |
UIJRTV3I100004 | Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach in the Analysis of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program | Givheart C. Dano | 33-42 |  |
UIJRTV3I100005 | The Impact of Mobile Banking Service on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in China | Jie Yu and Chompu Nuangjamnong | 43-64 |  |
UIJRTV3I100006 | Effect of Tax Facilities, Leverage, Transfer Pricing, Fixed Assets Intensity, and Political Power on Tax Management | Prastika Suwandi Tjeng | 65-73 |  |
UIJRTV3I100007 | Congruence of Teaching and Learning Strategies and English Performance of Senior High School Learners | Jun Victor F. Bactan, Jonard V. Verdeflor, and Michael D. Elisteria | 74-82 |  |
UIJRTV3I100008 | Designing an Online Medical History Visualization Framework for Doctors | Forhad Hossain, Mohamed Mehfoud Bouh, Mostafa Taufiq Ahmed, Rafiqul Islam, and Ashir Ahmed | 83-89 |  |
UIJRTV3I100009 | A Study of Customers’ Repurchase Intention Toward Smartphones in Thailand | Nitthan Phatichoti and Chompu Nuangjamnong | 90-107 |  |
UIJRTV3I100010 | Application of Flipped Classroom to Student Learning Outcomes in Object Oriented Programming Courses
| Sri Ilyen and Wakhinuddin | 108-112 |  |
UIJRTV3I100011 | Development of Electropneumatic Control System Learning E-Modules Department of Industrial Automation Engineering at Muhammadiyah Vocational School Batam | Gusrita Dewi, Ridwan, Sukardi, Ambiyar, and Unung Verawardina | 113-116 |  |
UIJRTV3I100012 | Development of Roadmap Design of Applied Mathematics Standard Competency Relevant for Department of Electronic Engineering
| Indra Kurniawan Rezki and Mukhlidi Muskhir | 117-128 |  |
UIJRTV3I100013 | Online Learning Program Evaluation Using the Cipp Model on Industrial Electronic Engineering Expertise Competency in SMK
| Zulhelmi, Nizwardi Jalinus, Ambiyar, Dedy Irfan, and Yusriati Yusuf | 129-134 |  |
UIJRTV3I100014 | Effectiveness of Website-Based Career Guide Media at State Vocational School 5 Batam | Rahima Syahne Putri, Hasan Maksum, Wawan Purwanto, and Sukardi | 135-138 |  |
UIJRTV3I100015 | Controlling Biscuit Raw Material Inventory Using a Probabilistic Model Q-Back Order and Q-Lost Sales
| Muhammad Fazri, Riana Puspita, Refiza, and Indra Kesuma Hadi | 139-144 |  |
UIJRTV3I100016 | Development and Validation of E-Module for Empowerment Technologies (E-MET) | Marvin G. Arimbay | 145-152 |  |
UIJRTV3I100017 | Theory of Planned Behavior in Micro Business Actors the Effectiveness of the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic (Study on Micro-Entrepreneurs in the Fashion and Craft Sector) | Christiana Fransiska Sembiring and Daru Asih | 153-163 |  |
UIJRTV3I100018 | Student’s Performance in Science and the Factors Affecting Their Modular Distance Learning | Maria Blessilda D. Griarte, Joy P. Escarcha and Rochelle Enriquez | 164-168 |  |
UIJRTV3I100019 | Internet Accessibility Profile and Students’ Readiness Towards Online Demonstration Lectures: Basis for Intervention Plan | Oliver Ponce Ponsades | 169-181 |  |