UIJRTV2I90001 | Comparative Study for Neural Image Caption Generation Using Different Transfer Learning Along with Diverse Beam Search & Bi-Directional RNN | Yash Indulkar and Abhijit Patil | 01-09 |  |
UIJRTV2I90002 | Risk Evaluation Causes of Contract Change Order to Improve Cost Performance on Railway Construction Project | Ikhsan Setiawan and Leni Sagita Riantini | 10-14 |  |
UIJRTV2I90003 | Analysis and Simulation of Nigeria Grid Dynamics Using Distributed Generator
| Nwokporo S. C., Anazia A. E., Aneke J. I., and Onodugo O. V. | 15-21 |  |
UIJRTV2I90004 | Determinants of the Level of Urbanization and Its Effect on Job Opportunities in the City of Makassar | Dewantara, Indraswati Tri Abdireviane and Hamrullah | 22-26 |  |
UIJRTV2I90005 | The Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth Through the Human Development Index in Indonesia 2016 to 2020 Period | Muhammad Yusuf Y.S., Abd. Hamid Paddu, and Nur Dwiana Sari Saudi
| 27-33 |  |
UIJRTV2I90006 | Tracing Issues and Concerns on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) in Math and Science | Edilmar P. Masuhay, Marinel E. Dioquino, Annie Richil M. Cagas, Maridel Masuhay Mahomoc, and Sugar O. Masuhay | 34-40 |  |
UIJRTV2I90007 | Relationship Between Personality Traits and Academic Achievement of School Students | Shiksha Upadhyaya and Nabin Prasad Joshi | 41-52 |  |
UIJRTV2I90008 | Analysis of Poverty Among Farmer Entrepreneurs in Jos, Nigeria | Atayi Abraham Vincent and Awoyemi Bosede Olanike | 53-59 |  |
UIJRTV2I90009 | Intentions to Using the Halodoc Application: Empirical Study in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era | Didik Setyawan, Triana Wardhatun Jannah, and Sugiyarmasto | 60-68 |  |
UIJRTV2I90010 | Morphology and Yield on Second Generation of Tall x Dwarf Coconut Crosses (Cocos nucifera L.) | Khairol Ismail, Mohd Fahimee Jaapar, and Mohammad Asyraf Husin | 69-73 |  |
UIJRTV2I90011 | Analysis of the Effect of Inflation, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate on Economic Growth in Indonesia Period 2007-2020 | Riska Hawang, Rahmatia, and Fatmawati | 74-79 |  |
UIJRTV2I90012 | Analysing Political Party Influence Using Data Mining | M.P. Vani | 80-83 |  |
UIJRTV2I90013 | Factors Contributing Green Human Resource Management: With Reference to Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd., Vishakapatanam, A.P., India | V. Tulasi Das and A. Sreelakshmi | 84-89 |  |
UIJRTV2I90014 | Economic Analysis of Sheep Farming in Karnataka State | Prathibha K.R. and Dr. S.N. Yogish | 90-93 |  |