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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I100008
Date:August 2022


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Forhad Hossain, Mohamed Mehfoud Bouh, Mostafa Taufiq Ahmed, Rafiqul Islam, and Ashir Ahmed, 2022. Designing an Online Medical History Visualization Framework for Doctors. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(10), pp.83-89.
This study explains the development architecture of a web-based medical history visualization framework for doctors to make accurate clinical decisions. Health events are digitally recorded more frequently than ever. The study assumes that the health records will be made available in a standard format for doctors. However, not all health events are required for a doctor to check. The collected health records need to be arranged, filtered and demonstrated in a doctor-friendly system. This paper proposes a "Smart Health Gantt Chart", a one-window, doctor adaptive, and interactive visualization. The system architecture of the Smart Health Gantt chart is designed, and the major components are described. This is a work-in-progress document and does not have any results yet. The components of the proposed visualization tool, functionality, and expected results are explained in this study.

Keywords: Digital Health, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Health Data Visualization, Past Medical History, Portable Health Clinic.

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