UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Temporal Classification of EEG Signals for BCI Using Morse Code (LIS Case)



Andriantsilavo, H.S., Razafindrakoto, N.R. and Ratsimbazafy, A., 2021. Temporal Classification of EEG Signals for BCI Using Morse Code (LIS Case). United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(2), pp.18-21.


The lack of means of communication blocks patients with disabilities such as the Locked-In Syndrome (LIS). These persons are able to express their desire in their brain but they are unable to perform it. Here, we propose a method of temporal classification of the EEG (ElectroEncephalogram) signals from the scalp of those people and translate them into Morse code. Thus, they have the ability to write a word or, furthermore, an understandable sentence by using a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). The LIS attendant will only see the letters shown on screen, not the inherent manipulations.

Keywords: BCI, EEG signals, EMOTIV INSIGHT, Morse code.

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