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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I20005
Date:December 2022


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Ma. Cecilia A. Garchitorena and Errol G. De Castro, 2022. Retirees-Pensioners of Social Security System in Sorsogon City. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(2), pp43-55.
This study aimed to determine the Social Security System retiree-pensioners’ level of satisfaction with their pension. The research instrument used was a descriptive-survey questionnaire. The first part involved the profile of respondents in terms of age, membership category, and monthly pension. The second part allowed the respondents to assess through a rating scale their level of satisfaction in line with various areas of the retirement benefits and monthly pensions such as needs, wants, and other expenses. The third part included the allotment of monthly pension by the respondents along health services, medicines, family members, and self-employment. The fourth part consisted of the issues and challenges encountered by the respondents in their monthly pension. The last part was the action plan based from the findings of the study. It was revealed that majority of the respondents are 60 to 70 years old, have Employed membership category and receive monthly pension of 5,001 and below. Most of the respondents are not satisfied with other expenses that includes extending and providing aid to family. On the other hand, their needs and wants are moderately satisfied and fairly satisfied, respectively. The respondents allot the monthly pension in monthly check-ups, buying medicines for blood pressure, paying household bills, and aid in daily expenses. The three issues and challenges most encountered by the respondents were no savings kept; no investment made, and cannot assist the plan for local and foreign travel.

Keywords: level of satisfaction, needs, wants, retirees-pensioners, Social Security System, wants.

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