UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Study Time Management of Student During a Pandemic



Syaputra, A. and Mahmudah, F.N., 2021. Study Time Management of Student During a Pandemic. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(2), pp.118-121.


This study aims to determine how students study time management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted from March 29, 2021, to April 5, 2021. This research was conducted using a qualitative method where the data were obtained by using the purposive sampling technique. The results showed that (1) 5 out of 7 students can manage their study time, (2) Students do not study when the lecturer does not give assignments, (3) Students manage time by sleeping early, getting up early, putting more important things first, (4) Students find it difficult to learn during the pandemic because of several disturbances such as networks, material from lecturers that are difficult to understand, (5) How to learn new breakthroughs from students such as looking for a good place in network quality, looking for learning materials from google, always checking google classroom, ( 6) Students really feel the influence of study time, such as feeling more refreshed in the morning and feeling lazy and sleepy during the day, (7) The impact of the pandemic on students is very difficult to understand the subject matter provided by the lecturer (8) This pandemic sometimes becomes an obstacle for students to learn such as unstable networks, difficulty finding references in libraries, (9) Student activities during the pandemic period usually take part in online lectures, sports, and mingle with friends, (10) Pandemic This is very unsettling for the community, students, other lecturers, such as difficulty earning a living, understanding subject matter, and difficulty following practicum.

Keywords: time managemen skills, learning management, college student, covid-19 pandemic.

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