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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I90001
Date:July 2023


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Arlita Permanasari, 2023. Perceptions of Psychological Well-Being of Mothers Who Have Toddler in the Transition Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(9), pp01-08.
The changes that have occurred in every family during the Covid-19 pandemic show a correlation to the emergence of psychological stress which has an impact on decreasing the psychological well-being of each family member. For a mother who has the toddler, psychological well-being tends to be lower. Social restrictions, uncertainty regarding the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic, the increase in mothers’ role at home, and demands for implementing health protocols are things that also affect the mental health of mothers. After more than three years the world has been experiencing psychological stress due to the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) finally announced that the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to end before the end of 2023. This makes the world enter a transition period that will affect the perceptions of mothers who have toddlers. This study is intended to capture disparities in respondents' perception scores regarding their psychological well-being at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic and their perceptions during the transition period. Through this research, we can see psychological aspects that play a role in maintenance of mothers’ psychological well-being, especially in high stress conditions that last for a long period of time. This study also shows constant aspects according to the respondents’ characteristics.

Keywords: Mothers, Psychological Well-being, Toddlers, Transition of Covid-19 pandemic.

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