UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Learners’ Study Habits and Digital Literacy as Essential Learning Skills in Time of Pandemic



Catherine Balquin Furio, 2023. Learners’ Study Habits and Digital Literacy as Essential Learning Skills in Time of Pandemic. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(10), pp45-54.


Success of learners in the school and academic journey has been the goal of the school personnel, parents, and the learners. These educational stakeholders associated the significant learners’ school achievement to several factors which include the quality of instructions, variety of educational media provided to learners, the learning engagement and learners’ motivation and habits.

Meanwhile, the scenario of 21st century learning atmosphere acknowledges the role of digitalization in the academic journey and success of every learner, thus this study; “Learners’ Study Habits and Digital Literacy as Essential Learning Skills in Time of Pandemic” was conducted.

Keywords: Academic Success, Digital Literacy, Pandemic, and Study Habits.

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