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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I70005
Date:May 2023


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Jakim Timothy Furaque Golimlim and Errol G. De Castro, 2023. Status of Facilities and Satisfaction in The Delivery of Services of Philippine Fisheries Development Authority- Bulan Fish Port Complex. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(7), pp33-45.
Fisheries serve an important role in our contemporary world. In this pandemic era brought on by COVID-19, it is essential to everyone’s survival as well as their protection from any potential health risks posed by the sustenance. This study aimed to assess the status of the facilities of the Philippine Fisheries Development Authority-Bulan Fish Port Complex (PFDA-BFPC) for the fiscal year 2021, along with food processing, refrigeration, docking, and trading. Moreover, this study wanted to determine the level of satisfaction in the delivery of services that comprise billing, payment, accreditation, and renewal of permits, and the issuance of a permit to conduct business (PTCB). It also aimed to identify the problems encountered by the clients in the delivery of services. The study used documentary analysis to determine the status of facilities in PFDA-BFPC. As well, descriptive survey method in which two (2) versions of questionnaires written in Tagalog and English and uninstructed interviews were utilized as instruments. The statistical tools utilized were weighted mean, frequency count, ranking, and Chi-square for independence. The respondents involved the accredited and renewed PFDA clients since January 1, 2020. The respondents were grouped into three: the fish brokers and staff; the fish buyer; and the ice dealers and ice crushers. One hundred twenty-two (122) from the group of fish brokers and staff; twenty-eight (28) from the group of the fish buyer; and five (5) from the group of ice dealers and ice crushers. The study revealed that the facilities are functioning and well utilized. Similarly, the study showed that the PFDA-BFPC has satisfactorily delivered the services to its clients. The study also revealed that there were several problems encountered by the clients in the delivery of services. With these, the management of PFDA-BFPC may strive harder to eliminate every struggle being met by clients that hamper the efficient and effective delivery of services.

Keywords: client satisfaction, delivery of service, fish port, fisheries, post-harvest facilities.

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