UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Chilli Extracts Used as Rice Bugs Insecticide



Renante A. Diamante, Noel A. Banca, Liezl A. Dulaogon, and John Rey A. Alipe, 2022. Chilli Extracts Used as Rice Bugs Insecticide. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(1), pp01-03.


This paper presented the efficacy of chilli extract to prevent rice bugs in rice fields.  The study was conducted at Libertad, Banate, Iloilo.  The rice bug was collected in the rice fields during night time.  Using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five (5) treatments and replicated to three (3) times.  The concentration of chilli extracts was used by the researchers as organic insecticide.  As to the results, shows that the higher the percentage of chilli extract the higher the morality rate.  Therefore, it was recommended that chilli extracts is very useful insecticides against rice bugs.

Keywords: chilli extracts, rice bugs, pesticides

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