Professional Ethics and Monetary Reportage of Non-Governmental Establishments
- Author(s): Nyong Christopher Etim, Osadim Eno Odey and Oni Timothy Oluwatominiyi
- Social Studies
Paper ID: UIJRTV2I60008
Volume: 02
Issue: 06
Pages: 52-57
April 2021
ISSN: 2582-6832
Monetary reportage prepared based on evidences could substantially have demonstrative impact on the well-being of the relevant parties. Ethics is a word that has copious, occasionally contradictory explanation besides moral difficulties which remain pertinent matters in actual existence. This study examined the effects of ethics on the monetary reportage of non-governmental establishments. The survey method was embraced and data were obtained by means of questionnaire and multiple regressions were analytical tools. The findings revealed that professional accountants’ competence had an affirmative as well as substantial consequence on monetary reportage. Furthermore, Professional impartiality substantially influenced monetary reportage, besides professional fairness remarkably relates with monetary reportage. Arising from the above material facts, it was suggested that non-governmental establishments should make an effort to develop their recruitment process in other to recruit men and women with high level of ethical standards.