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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I30021


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Ernest Nid S. Abueme, 2025. Lived Experiences of Hemodialysis Patients at Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(3), p164-172.
In healthcare, understanding patient experiences is fundamental to enhancing the quality of care, particularly in specialized treatments such as hemodialysis. As patients navigate the complexities of their treatment journeys, their perceptions and lived experiences play a pivotal role in shaping their satisfaction levels. This study explores hemodialysis patients' lived experiences at Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital. Employing Moustakas' phenomenological approach, this qualitative research involved semi-structured interviews with 20 hemodialysis patients from the hospital. Data was interpreted using Moustakas, (8) eight-step approach. The experiences of patients undergoing hemodialysis were: (1) Patients felt comfortable, (2) Patients felt emotionally anxious, and (3) Patients felt physically uncomfortable.  Moreover, Patients perceive the quality of care the healthcare staff provides during their hemodialysis sessions as: (1) Healthcare Staff are Attentive and Responsive, (2) Healthcare Staff are Empathetic and Polite, and (3) Healthcare Staff are Competent. Overall, the hemodialysis patients were satisfied with the quality of services offered at Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital.

Keywords: Lived Experiences, Hemodialysis, Patient Satisfaction, Quality Care.

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