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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I110002
Date:September 2023


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Arlita Permanasari and Tagar Pujasambada, 2023. Literature Study on The Importance of Psychological Profile of Terror Actors in Indonesia. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(11), pp07-12.
Terrorism is still a significant issue for many countries. Nevertheless, understanding of terrorism is not comprehensive enough, due to limited approaches to the interaction of psychological, social and political aspects. In some countries, the form of terrorism was changing over time. Starting from the acts of terror based on the conformity of anarchist groups, to the acts of terror that associated with religion. This is different from what generally happens in Indonesia, where philosophy and religious concepts are often associated with acts of terror. This typical condition is an interesting matter to explore, because in Indonesia the roots of terrorism come from a strong faith related to the ideology and spiritual beliefs of the perpetrators. Many experts say that terror perpetrators cannot be categorized as a group with a particular psychological profile. Terrorism is considered as a very broad concept so that it cannot use certain qualifications as a prevention instrument. Notwithstanding, if the pattern of crimes is viewed as acts that against humanity, there will be a potential to be related to a certain psychological profile. Psychological profile description can be used to aim an in-depth understanding, provide a portrayal of appropriate treatment steps, one of which is through the deradicalization program.

Keywords: Psychological Profile, Terror Actors, Terrorism, Indonesia, Deradicalization.

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