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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I60012
Date:April 2021


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Sharma, M., Agrawal, S., Sharma, N. and Bansal, N., 2021. Impact of Information and Technology on Economy and Polity: A COVID-19 Perspective. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(6), pp.78-84.
There is a significant reliance on technology to solve economic and political problems worldwide because of an absolute and almost universal reluctance by the officials and government bodies’ advice the changes in social and political aspects that result in inefficient production and fewer wastages. The revolution in the Information and Technology sector paying off in increased economic and social activities. This paper aims to identify the various sectors that are motivated by the technological revolution in both economic as well as in political sectors. The paper has review the related and published literature that are already available. In order to conclude that after the pandemic of COVID 19, the usage of digitalisation, information and technology, internet of things and other related technical aspects are being highlighted and shown a drastic transformation from traditional approach to the modern approach.

Keywords: Information; Technology; Economy; Polity; COVID 19.

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