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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I20010
Date:December 2024


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Melvin E. Garganian and Leo C. Naparota, 2024. Image, Quality of Tourist Services and Tourist Satisfaction of Tourism Industry in the Selected Municipalities of the Third Congressional District of Zamboanga Del Norte. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(2), p84-99.
This study aimed to assess the destination image, quality of tourist services, and their effects on tourist satisfaction in the tourism industry in the third congressional district of Zamboanga del Norte during the calendar year 2023. The researcher employed quantitative methods, descriptive surveys, and correlational research methods. There were one hundred (100) respondents in this study. Weighted mean, standard deviation, and Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient were the statistical tools used in the study. The level of destination image was “very high” in terms of cognitive image, affective image, and conative image. The level of quality of tourist services was very high in terms of access quality, accommodation quality, and attraction quality. The level of tourist satisfaction was “very high” in terms of physical and mental relaxation, public facilities, and service quality. There was a significant medium/moderate positive correlation between the levels of destination image and tourist satisfaction. There was a significant large/high positive correlation between the levels of quality of tourist services and tourist satisfaction. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the local government unit would craft tourism programs and activities that would encourage tourists to visit the area and eventually increase revenue generation and owners/managers would also formulate a tourism services plan that would further improve the delivery of its services.

Keywords: Destination image, tourist services quality, tourist satisfaction

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