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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I20015
Date:December 2021


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Subandowo, M., 2021. The Delineation of Civilization and Productivity in the Perspectives of Demographic Bonus and Generations Y and Z in Indonesia. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(2), pp.105-117.
A demographic transition illustrates the composition of the population that is getting perfect indicated by the shifting of population structure from high rates of fertility and mortality to the development pattern of the population with low rates of fertility and mortality. This paper aims to delineate civilization and productivity from the perspective of demographic bonuses and the emergence of Generations Y and Z in Indonesia. The research method used in the study was qualitative descriptive, which was applied to analyse the origin of things related to the aspects of civilization, production, demographic bonus as well as the emergence of Generations Y and Z in the context of Indonesian nation-state life in the globalization era and the development of information technology. Study results indicate that the regeneration of human civilization is faced towards the development of Science and Technology and the globalization process. Generations Y and Z are the regeneration of civilization that both have chances to face the challenge of the era. Each civilization faces indecisions in welcoming the future. A system is required to adopt and put meanings on contemporary values prudently. The percentage of the highly-educated workforce is a positive symptom, as the proxy of the increasing number of professional workers and technicians in the investment of employment. Each state has different regeneration policies in overcoming population issues, therefore, thorough planning is required for the productive age population to truly has desired quality and productivity during the occurrence of demographic bonus.

Keywords: generation Y, generation Z, productivity.

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