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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I90013
Date:July 2023


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Vebby Rolio Pramadoni, Suryarini Widodo, and Widya Silfianti, 2023. Technology Acceptance Model in a Performance Management System. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(9), pp134-141.
PT NK is a State-Owned Enterprise Company (BUMN) that engages in the General Contractor sector. PT NK has over 500 employees across Work/Business Units. The Human Capital Department at PT NK is in charge of managing employees as well as monitoring and evaluating employee performance. Employee performance has a significant impact on a company's success. Therefore, companies must be able to monitor and know what their employees are doing, as well as how their performance processes are aligned with company goals. Performance Management Systems (PMS) are systems that are used to consistently and measurably monitor employee performance. In the Human Capital Department, a PMS application currently strives to assist employees in continuing to make the best effort or performance in accomplishing company goals. This system is extremely helpful for employees to continue to provide consistent performance to meet the expected targets. From 2020, PT NK began PMS implementation up to the individual level. Based on data computations in the Human Capital Department, the average achievement of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) from the Company's eighteen Work/Business Units in 2020 was 68.90%, 85.50% in 2021, and 95.00% in 2022. As a result, for the last three years, the average KPI attainment of all divisions in PT NK has been 83.13% of the target of 100.00%. Based on the results of this data, the utilization of PMS is still not felt by the Human Capital Department. Therefore, it is required to identify from these indicators what is causing the problem of not maximizing the PMS Application.

Keywords: Performance Management Systems, Key Performance Indicator, Departement Human Capital, Nindya Karya, Structural Equation Model.

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