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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I100011
Date:August 2021


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Ismail, K., Husin, M.A. and Jaapar, M.F., 2021. Shade Effects with Potential NPK Responses on Coconut Seedlings in Tropical Agroforestry Practices. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(10), pp.93-97.
The experiment was carried out in an experimental plot of 32 years old coconut palm of the local Malayan Tall cultivar which later on represents the different rate of light intensities canopy at MARDI Bagan Datuk, Perak. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the responses of new coconut seedlings planted under different shade intensities and different rates of NPK application. 9 months old Malayan Brown Dwarf (MBD) seedlings were selected and planted in between the old palms (which act as a shade canopy) in the same row by using the north-south direction of planting rows. The treatments were including 4 levels of shade which represented by different old palm canopy of light intensities at 100, 75, 50, and 25 percent(%) and with 4 different rates of NPK at 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 kg/palm including control at 0 kg/palm. Data collection parameters were collected including light intensity, chlorophyll content, plants height, and stem girth, number of fronds, and width of leaves. All data were subjected to variance analysis (ANOVA) and means values were compared with Duncan Multiple Range Test using SAS statistical analysis. The results obtained from all the parameters indicated that a significant relation between NPK rates and shade intensities levels. It found that 25% of old palm shading canopies showed significantly the highest light intensity at 458 µmol m−2s−1 compared to others while 100% of shade level gave the best chlorophyll reading. The integrated nutrient management of supplying 4.5 kg/palm (F4) recommended along with the C4 shade level showing the significant difference at (p<0.05) of plant height and the number of fronds. The growth parameters of the stem girth and width of leaves show significantly highest in number at F2 of NPK supplying with C4 of shade level compared to other treatments. The growth performance of coconuts seedlings at different NPK rates and different shade levels also showed significantly different from each other which it can be concluded that the increase of shade level needs for the higher amount of NPK for best growth performance of seedlings.

Keywords: Coconut seedlings, NPK responses, Shade palm canopy, Plant growth.

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