UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Palynofacies of Onshore Formations in Côte d’Ivoire: Case of the Dabou and Abidjan Sectors



Yao Koudio Cyrille, Kessé Touvalé Marcel, Kouassi Kouamé Alfred, and Yao N’goran Jean-Paul, 2022. Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Palynofacies of Onshore Formations in Côte d’Ivoire: Case of the Dabou and Abidjan Sectors. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(12), pp.25-30.


Twelve (12) samples of cuttings from two wells in the Ivorian onshore sedimentary basin were used in the present work. These samples were subjected to sedimentological, geochemical and palynofacies studies in order to understand the effect of the variation of the rate of chemical elements and the nature of sediments on the depositional environments. The sedimentological results show that these lutites are predominantly silty in nature with a low clay content in the well SAN1F4. Organic geochemistry of these sediments revealed a very low organic matter (OM) content in the SAN1F4 deposits (7%). Geochemistry shows an enrichment of trace elements, markers of anoxic conditions (As, Cu, Mo, U, Zn), these deposits rich in organic matter characterize anoxic deposit environments. At the palynofacies level, the presence of both inertinites and dinokysts in wells SAN1F4 indicates a marine environment under continental influence. Spores, pollen grains, and phytoclasts identified a continental environment in the well SAN2P5. Sediments with little clay (SAN1F4) are less favorable for the preservation of organic matter. On the other hand, sediments with high silt content (SAN2P5) are favorable for the preservation of organic matter.

Keywords: Geochemistry, Palynofacies, palynology, sedimentology.

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