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I. Vijay Kumar and Dr. V. Tulasi Das, 2023. Role of Emotional Intelligence in Balancing Work Life Among Women Information Technology Employees. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(5), pp51-61.
Covid- 19 increased the digital literacy throughout the globe and this created demand for a greater number of skilled IT professionals. The more demand and less skilled employees took the turn of moon lighting. Once the issue of moon lighting revealed the trust between organisations and employees slashed off. The employers are looking at employees in a doubtful manner and the employees also under stress because all the reputed companies started removing thousands of employees. The family members of the employees also in dilemma due to instable conditions in the IT sector. Rebuilding the trust between these parties is very important to create positive environment in the information technology sector. In this process first step is to enhance emotional intelligence skills among the employees so as to facilitate understanding other and latter create a balance between work and life. In this context this research examines the impact of emotional intelligence on work life balance among women IT employees.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Work Life Balance, Women IT Employees, Covid- pandemic, Moon Lighting.
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