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John Arvic E. Policarpio, 2024. The On-The-Job Training Experiences of the Hospitality Management Students: Input in the Manual of Learning and Development. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(5), pp95-100.
The On-the-Job Training (OJT) of Hospitality Management represents a dynamic and immersive educational strategy tailored to nurture the skills and competencies essential for success in the vibrant and ever-evolving hospitality industry. The present study ventured in understanding the live experiences, applications of classroom learning to practicum, gaining new learnings and the challenges faced during their On-the-Job Training. Trainees were able to share their lived experiences, challenges, and insights with the researchers. The action plan is being proposed to enhance the program of the school in terms of the On-the-Job Training of Hospitality Management Students.
Keywords: Hospitality Management, Hospitality Industry, On-the-Job Training, Lived Experiences, Practicum
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