UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Model of Employee Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Regulation at AMC Hospital



Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo, Arlina Dewi, and Amalia Putri Ocean, 2022. Model of Employee Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Regulation at AMC Hospital. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(2), pp84-89.


Most hospitals have not implemented preventive and promotive programs, including hospital employees. Implementation of preventive and promotive programs regarding healthy living behavior for employees is important to improve employee performance when providing services to patients. The purpose of this community service is to develop a regulatory model for the healthy living behavior of employees at the AMC Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital.Community service is carried out using a qualitative case study method. Selection of informants using a purposive technique. The results of interviews with directors, doctors, nurses, midwives, nutritionists, pharmacists, and heads of hospital promotion programs are used to design a regulatory model for healthy living behavior in hospitals. The validity test was carried out by method triangulation, namely the FGD technique. Pre and post-test questionnaires are used to determine differences in employee knowledge before and after community service. There are four important aspects that need to be considered in designing a regulatory model for the implementation of healthy living behaviors in hospitals, namely: 1) regulations are prepared jointly (all employees are involved); 2) Language is easy to understand and can be implemented; 3) socialized periodically; and 4) there is regular monitoring and evaluation. This encourages every employee to improve healthy living behavior in the hospital environment. Examples of healthy living behaviors and appreciation from leaders are also important to increase employee motivation in implementing healthy living behaviors. One example of a healthy lifestyle that is liked by employees is using the stairs every time they change floors, exercising before a work shift, and eating more fruits and vegetables. Most hospital employees agree that regulations regarding the implementation of employee healthy behavior must be followed. In addition to improving the performance of each employee, it can also directly educate patients and families about the importance of living a healthy life.

Keywords: Employees, Healthy life behavior, Hospital, Regulation.

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