UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Local Wisdom Value: Biodiversity Reporting in the “Kajang Tribe” Perspective



Rusdiansyah, N., Syarifuddin and Damayanti, R.A., 2021. Local Wisdom Value: Biodiversity Reporting in the “Kajang Tribe” Perspective. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(6), pp.10-14.


This study aims to investigate aspects of local wisdom to be implemented as a basis for preparing biodiversity reports. The method used in this research is qualitative, with an interpretive approach in analyzing data obtained directly from the field. The results show that biodiversity reporting from the perspective of local wisdom of the Kajang tribe prioritizes social and environmental aspects rather than aspects of economic growth as a philosophical basis for its preparation.

Keywords: Biodiversity report, Local wisdom, Environmetal accounting, Sustainability.

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