UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Lexical and Semantic Features of COVID-19 Neologisms



Jean Carrol C. Antonio and Sherill A. Gilbas, 2022. Lexical and Semantic Features of COVID-19 Neologisms. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(6), pp.44-48.


This study analyzed the lexical and semantic features of Covid-19 neologisms formed thru blending that are present in the Junior High School students’ written outputs and their implications in language learning for the S.Y. 2021-2022. This study utilized the descriptive method of research and used textual analysis as a research instrument. Findings revealed that Quaranteen, Covidient/Covidiot, Quarantini, Zoombombing, Coronacation, Covideo Party and Infodemic were the commonly used Covid-19 neologisms which are formed thru blending that are being used by learners in their written outputs. Findings also revealed that these terms were coined in order to have a name for a specific thing or experience during the surge of Covid-19 which become a practical tool for talking about coronavirus-related issues. Further, in language learning and translation, it is found that neologisms pose several problems for learners and translators. Since most of these neologisms are new to the users, more often than not, these terms are given different interpretations and meanings, thus, they are being used wrongly too, in different contexts. To ensure intelligibility and for the learners not to give the literal meanings of neologisms, it is recommended that instructions in neologism recognition, comprehension and translation should be done in creative and authentic platforms.

Keywords: — Blending, Lexical, Neologisms, Semantic.

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