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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I90001
Date:July 2024


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Natanael Oloan Silaban and Agustinus Hariadi Djoko Purwanto, 2024. Improving Disbursed Ratio Productivity with Objective Matrix (OMAX) Method Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Plan Do Check Action (PDCA) at PT XYZ. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(9), pp01-13.
This research discusses the improvement of Disbursed Ratio productivity at PT XYZ using Objective Matrix (OMAX) method based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Plan Do Check Action (PDCA). The questionnaire results show the importance weight of each productivity criterion, with indicator C (Submit/Base) having the highest weight of 32.0%. The highest productivity index occurred in May 2023 with a value of 7.394, while the lowest was in January 2023 with a value of 1.547. The implementation of FGD through PDCA showed improvement in the three highest productivity indicators, namely indicator C increased by 27.1% to 15.3% in Q1 2024, indicator E (Submit/Attempt) increased by 18.4% to 26.4% in Q1 2024, and indicator A (Disburse/Labor) increased by 68.2% to 67 applications/person in Q1 2024. These improvements resulted in an increase in the total productivity index value to 7,678 in March 2024. FGDs elaborated with fishbone diagrams and triangulation confirmed that PDCA recommendations can increase productivity and sustain continuous improvement, which include MPP recalculation, operational team training, procurement of CRM-based Whatsapp Business tools, implementation of one-way IVR Robo, evaluation of scoring and clustering methods, and creation of a complete SOP for the operational team. This research provides important insights for productivity improvement at PT XYZ.

Keywords: Disbursed Ratio, Objective Matrix (OMAX), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Plan Do Check Action (PDCA), PT XYZ

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