UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Implementation of Reliability Centered Maintenance Method for Pump on Fuel Distribution Companies



Ega Sepfriansyah Avianto and Sugiyono Madelan, 2022. Implementation of Reliability Centered Maintenance Method for Pump on Fuel Distribution Companies. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(11), pp.22-31.


The application of the reliability centered maintenance method or known as “RCM” in the effort to maintain and repair pumps carried out at fuel distribution companies is an action that focuses on pump reliability. Based on the ISO Saverity Rate 10816, there are 8 out of 32 fuel pump distribution companies in the 2021 period experiencing the Unsatisfactory category with a vibration value of more than 4.5 mm/s. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to apply the reliability centered maintenance method as an effort to improve pump maintenance management. The implementation of pump maintenance management in this RCM method focuses on determining the reliability value of the pump with an exponential reliability system, identifying the dominant value on which component of the pump has the highest damage frequency value. Besides that, the implementation of the RCM method on this pump also relies on the implementation of the root cause of the problem in order to get the main factor causing the pump failure which is then carried out by compiling a 5W + 1H table to identify corrective actions for the company’s pump maintenance design. With the application of this RCM method, recommendations for maintenance should be obtained based on the damage that occurred to the company’s pump.

Keywords: Method, Failure, Dominan, Pump.

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