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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I70031
Date:May 2024


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Ayu Erlinda and Ayomi Dita Rarasati, 2024. Examining Critical Factors for Successful Implementation of Knowledge Management in Indonesian Airport Construction Projects. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(7), pp335-345.
Knowledge management is believed to provide many competitive advantages for organizations so it is necessary to know what factors can influence its implementation. This study was conducted to determine the key success factors for implementing knowledge management in airport construction projects. The quantitative methods used in this study consist of a literature study, a questionnaire survey to 90 respondents from the state-owned airport company, and statistical data analysis using PLS-SEM. The findings discovered that only two of the six variables influencing the use of knowledge management were recognized as key success factors, there are “human resource management” with a t-value of 3.183 and “learning & training” with a t-value of 2.743, meanwhile “IT support”, “knowledge management processes existence”, “organizational culture”, and “leadership support & commitment” factors had no significant effect to the successful implementation of knowledge management. Knowledge management implementation is considered important because it encourages the emergence of innovative problem-solving strategies in the project organization.

Keywords: Knowledge management, Key success factors, Construction, Project, Airport.

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