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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I100001
Date:August 2021


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Lara, C.R. and Atutubo, V.P., 2021. Employees’ Well-Being and their Coping Strategies Amid COVID-19 Pandemic. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(10), pp.01-13.
This study focused on Employees’ well-being and coping strategies amid Covid 19 Pandemic in Sorsogon Province, Fiscal Year 2020 were assessed based on demographic profile; physical well-being; mental well-being; work environment and the problems that affect their well-being, and their coping strategies used by them. It is a descriptive-survey method. A survey questionnaire was designed to gather data as reflected in the problem. The respondents are composed of 356 employees in SORECO. The statistical tools utilized were frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and ranking. From the findings, it was concluded that employees’ demographic profile varies according to age, sex, marital status, educational attainment, monthly salary and position, in terms of the physical well-being, medical condition is ranging from cardiovascular, nervous to respiratory conditions while physical exercise regimen is ranging from strength, flexibility, balance and endurance. The employees’ mental well-being in their experience of depression, and anxiety was ranging from observed to moderately observed. The work Environment in their physical work, safety protocols and staffing were observed, and moderately observed respectively. Problems that affect their well-being such as overwork, stress and other health issues and the coping strategies used are praying and meditating and others.

Keywords: Well-being, coping strategies, pandemic.

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