UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Economic Analysis of Sheep Farming in India



Prathibha K. R., Chetan K. and Dr. S. N. Yogish, 2021. Economic Analysis of Sheep Farming in India. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(7), pp.18-21.


Sheep is an important livestock species of India as they contribute greatly to the farmers’ economy, especially in rural areas. They play an important role in the livelihood of small and marginal farmers and landless laborer’s as they provide regular and sustainable income. Sheep in India are maintained mainly on common grazing lands, crop residues and tree leaves. Livestock contributes manure and draught power to the agriculture while crop residues form the major source of feed to the livestock and this system of interdependence has sustained for centuries.

Keywords: Sheep, economy, Livestock, agriculture.

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