UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Implementation of National Health Insurance Program Participation as a Condition for the Provision of Public Services by Government Institutions Based on Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022 Concerning Optimization of Program Implementation (Case Study of Public Service at the Land Agency of Ternate City)



Bambang Daud and Muhammad Tabrani Mutalib, 2022. Implementation of National Health Insurance Program Participation as a Condition for the Provision of Public Services by Government Institutions Based on Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022 Concerning Optimization of Program Implementation (Case Study of Public Service at the Land Agency of Ternate City). United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(1), pp57-66.


This paper aims to determine the terms of public service as a standard of public service based on the legislation. To find out the BPJS Health membership requirements as an administrative requirement for the Registration Service for the Transfer of Land Rights/Ownerships to Flat Units due to Sale and Purchase by the Land Agency of Ternate City. The problem to be answered is what are the requirements for public service as a standard of public service based on the laws and regulations? And what are the requirements for BPJS Health membership as an administrative requirement for the Registration Service for the Transfer of Land Rights/Ownerships to Flats for Sale and Purchase by the Land Agency of the City of Ternate, using an approach that is a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results of the study obtained the fact that Presidential Instruction No. 1 Year 2022 jo. SE Minister of ATR BPN HR.02/164-400/II/2022 contradicts Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services and registration services for the transfer of land rights or ownership rights to flat units due to buying and selling carried out by the Ternate City BPN which requires BPJS Health membership cards to be used as a requirement for public services is a violation of alleged maladministration in the form of actions that deviate from public service procedures outlined by Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, causing the public to not get good public services.

Keywords: Public Service, BPJS Health Participation, Maladministration.

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