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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I70034
Date:May 2024


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Rifna Sabila Rizqi, Ayomi Dita Rarasati, and A.R. Hanung Triyono, 2024. Analysis of Influential Factors in E-Purchasing of Road Construction Work on Procurement Performance in Central Java Province. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(7), pp375-387.
Electronic procurement represents one of the forms of e-government application. The development of the e-procurement process consistently and continuously is expected to overcome weaknesses in procurement, including the implementation of e-purchasing, especially in the last five years. The implementation of e-purchasing was enhanced in Central Java, particularly in road construction work packages, due to the initiative of the Public Works Office of Bina Marga and Cipta Karya. As the number of procurements increases, it is essential to evaluate the implementation of these procurements. This research aims to identify factors that influence procurement performance using Structural Equation Modelling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). This research identifies four dominant factors affecting procurement performance: project characteristics, provider experience, determining the winner and negotiating, and project implementation and maintenance period. Based on these findings, recommendations will be prepared to improve the performance of procurements.

Keywords: e-purchasing, road construction work, procurement performance, SEM PLS.

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