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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I60003
Date:April 2023


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Dhirgham Treeko Murran, 2023. Three Point Perspective Techniques. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(6), pp23-35.
There are many books that focus on one- and two- point perspectives, though only one geometric method is always employed. However, three point perspective is only demonstrated as a freehand illustration in all available resources, although there was a geometric method taught in some universities. Such method is complex as it implies non-orthoganal projections for the plan and elevation that makes it non practical. In other words, the elevation is projected at an angle which shows two sides of the object, and the plan is also projected of a tilted object that shows all sides. And they have to be produced prior to constructing the perspective. This is why most artists would rather use freehand estimation to plot three point perspective.In this research, I will demonstrate many different methods. Some use the (station point), others don’t. Some don’t rely on vanishing points if they become too far to locate within the drawing board. There is also a mechanical method that plots the perspective within a pre-defined square using horizontal and vertical coordinates only without using any other elements, such as, vanishing points, horizon line, etc. All methods employ conventional (Plan View) with or without a conventional elevation. The methods are simple and don’t involve angular elevations of two sides at all.

Keywords: geometric, three point, freehand illustration, mechanical method, horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate.

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